Why Should You Separate Work Life From Home Life?
Has working from home ever crossed your mind? There are a lot of benefits to it, but there are some considerations.
Most people understand the importance of separating their work life from their personal life. After all, a stressful job and a stressful home can be overwhelming. For the remote employee, trying to balance the responsibilities of a household and a career, in the same space, can cause breakdowns in one or the other or both. Can we say high blood pressure, mental health issues, increased stress levels?
Are there benefits to working remotely? Yes! We believe there are many benefits. One obvious benefit is there’s no commute, which can be a significant financial savings. Also, more employees who work from home eat at home more often, which is another significant savings in the monthly budget.
More time spent with family and friends is a wonderful advantage to working from home. Time can be squeezed into each day for meals together, a more stable morning routine is certainly a possibility and working hours can be more flexible, since work devices are always nearby.
The most important issue you must consider is how to maintain work life balance.
Why do we need to separate work and personal life?
In today’s world, it’s often difficult to separate personal and professional life. With technology making it possible to work from anywhere, many find themselves working longer hours and checking work email after hours. Maintaining separation between personal and professional life will result in:
Reducing Burnout
Keeping our personal and work life separate will aid in reducing burnout. Working from home can lead to constant connection with work, with little separation for ourselves.
We need to be intentional in setting aside time for ourselves to destress. When is the last time you scheduled fun time?
Maintaining Healthy Relationships
Keeping our work and personal life separate can help us to maintain healthy relationships. When work stress bleeds into personal time, it can put a strain on our relationships with family and friends.
Maintaining a boundary between work and home makes it easier to keep those relationships a priority. Our friends and loved ones can count on us to be available and present in their lives.
Getting More Work Done
Keeping personal and professional life separate can help us to be more productive while working. When we’re not constantly thinking about personal issues, we can focus more on our job and get more done.
For all these reasons, finding ways to separate personal and professional life is essential.

How do we keep home and work separate while working remotely?
Working remotely can be a great way to increase your productivity while enjoying flexibility. However, it’s essential to make sure that you keep your home and work life separate.
Create a Dedicated Workspace in Your Home
One way to do this is to create a dedicated workspace in your home. This can be a room to which you can put in the hours you’ve set aside to work, complete the day’s tasks, walk out and be sure to close the door behind you.
You may not have a separate room available, but you can designate an area within your living space that is used for work only and is set up in a way to enable you to complete tasks effectively. At the end of your work hours—at a certain time—you simply close down the work station and walk away, just as you would if working in an office setting.
Set Work Hours
Establish set working hours and be committed to those specified hours. This will help you have clear boundaries in place to avoid working late into the evening or on weekends.
Even if you do find the occasional need to check on a project after hours, be sure it’s only on an occasional basis.
What are Some Ways to Attain Work Life Balance?
It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the demands of everyday life. Between work, family and personal obligations, it can be hard to focus on the things that are truly important to us. Here are some ideas for achieving a good work life balance.
Study, Meditation and Prayer
Let’s face it, we can all use some time to pause and reflect. We can all take time to get quiet, to meditate and refresh mentally. Prayer and inspirational readings can be an excellent way to be still and allow our Creator to renew our minds.
There are many resources available that will help us stay focused on what is important in life. You may choose a devotional booklet with daily readings filled with inspirational anecdotes. Perhaps reading a few chapters from a book that encourages you in spiritual growth in your own personal life will inspire you. Reading a few verses from Psalms or Proverbs each day is an excellent way to keep our minds open to possibilities for the day. We all need wisdom for whatever challenges we face.
Prayer allows us to vocalize our thoughts, concerns, hopes and needs to God. Putting our worries and considerations into words helps us focus on what is most important in our lives. Our loved ones, our own health, completing work-related tasks, everything that we are burdened by can be covered in prayer.
We can begin our day in the presence of peace and courage, knowing we’ve committed ourselves to the tasks of the day. It’s good therapy!
Spend Time Outdoors
It’s no secret that everyone will experience stress at one time or another throughout life. From juggling work and family commitments to managing personal finances, countless situations can cause stress.
However, studies have found that spending time outside in nature can help lower stress levels. The sight of green space has been shown to have a calming effect on the mind, helping to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation.
So if you’re looking for ways to reduce stress, consider spending some time in your local park or in your own back yard.

Take Breaks
Take regular breaks, even if it’s just for a couple of minutes. Get up, stretch your legs, make a cup of coffee, tea or drink a glass of water. Then step outside for some fresh air.
Make Time for Yourself
Make time for yourself every day. Enjoy an episode from a favorite TV program, join an exercise class at your local gym, take a walk around the neighborhood or just relax with a cup of coffee in your favorite chair. Doing something you enjoy outside of work will help you relax and recharge, making it easier to focus when you are working.
Keep in Touch
Keep in touch with colleagues and friends. Social interaction is essential for our mental well-being. Whether you’re meeting up for lunch or going for a walk together, staying connected will help you feel less isolated and more supported.
Be Patient
Accept that there will be good days and bad days. On some days, you’ll be productive and feel on top of things. While on other days, you may find circumstances more challenging. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, and try to be patient if things don’t go according to plan.
Seek Professional Help
Seek professional help if you’re struggling to cope. There is no shame in admitting that you need support, and seeking help from a therapist or counselor can be highly beneficial.
How Do Employers Benefit from Work Life Balance?
The employer who places emphasis on a healthy work life balance will attract top talent.
For instance, those who encourage employees to keep regular hours, with guidelines for completing tasks within those hours only, will not encroach on a remote employee’s personal time.
A remote employee who knows his employer respects his personal time should place value on his own time management. That employee is more likely to complete tasks effectively, which results in increased productivity and low absenteeism. The benefit to the employer—optimal functionality.
An additional employer benefit is reduced turnover, which results in cost reduction from regularly recruiting employees. Putting the focus on healthy work life balance can empower a business to attract the most qualified employees.
We hope you’ve found this article helpful as you work remotely and maintain your own healthy work life balance!